SD Card Creation

SD Card Creation

This section of the Wiki describes how to create an SD card for Oxygen by formatting the card, creating disk partitions, and copying the file systems.

Format the SD card

In Linux, start fdisk by running

sudo fdisk /dev/mmcblk0

where /dev/mmcblk0 is the base device of the SD card in the computer.

In fdisk, complete the following steps in numerical order:

  1. Press p and then Enter to print the partition table and make sure the device is the SD card.
  2. Press n and then Enter to add a new partition.
  3. Press p and then Enter to designate the new partition as the primary partition.
  4. At the Partition number prompt, press Enter to use the default partition number 1.
  5. At the First sector prompt, press Enter to use the default first sector size of 2048.
  6. At the Last sector prompt, enter +1G and press Enter to set the partition size as 1 GB.
  7. Press t and then Enter to change the partition type.
  8. Press c and then Enter to select vfat32 as the partition type.
  9. Press n and then Enter to create another partition.
  10. Press Enter to select the default partition type of primary.
  11. At the Partition number prompt, press Enter to use the default partition number 2.
  12. At the First sector prompt, press Enter to use the default first sector size of 2099200.
  13. At the Last sector prompt, press Enter to use the default last sector size.
  14. Press w and then Enter to write the new partitions to the SD card.

Create the file systems

First, create the boot file system on the 1 GB partition by running the following:

sudo mkfs.vfat -n BOOT /dev/mmcblk0p1

Then, create the main file system on the main partition by running:

sudo mkfs.ext4 -L root /dev/mmcblk0p2

Next, eject the SD card, remove it, and then put it back in the computer. This step is important to get the OS to enumerate the card with these new file systems.

Copy data to the SD card

Change directory to buildarea/temp/deploy/images/oxygen, or where you have downloaded the image. Then, run the following:

cp download.* /media/user/BOOT/
cp boot.bin /media/user/BOOT/
cp Image /media/user/BOOT/
cp oxygen.dtb /media/user/BOOT/
sudo tar -xf rwt-sdr-image-oxygen.tar.gz -C /media/user/root/
sudo tar -xf